10 Top Irish tunes for your St Patrick’s Day Wedding!

So folks St. Patrick’s day is just around the corner, and believe it or not it’s one of the best days in the year to have a Wedding DJ in Dublin for multiple reasons, for one everybody’s off work the next day, always a great excuse for that one more drink at the bar lol, secondly everyone is up for a party on Paddy’s Day why not infuse that energy into your big day creating a Paddy’s day not to be forgotten. Music selection/programming is key to a successful party, Paddy’s day is no different to any other in the sense that you need the right mix of floor fillers, singalong anthems, cheesy one hit wonders and modern classics that bring the guests back to their youth below is a short list in no particular order: Beautiful Day-U2 One of the band’s biggest hits to date released in 2000 and their 14th number one in Ireland the upbeat rock song is about losing everything but still finding joy in what one has. Sally MacLennane-The Pogues with its upbeat tempo it’s guaranteed to have you...